As soon as hostiles were spotted Ultramarine force commander Brennan blink clicked the order for a drop strike to be launched. Two dark blue drop pods streaked through the bright clear sky towards the ruins where the immortals had camped. As they plummeted to the ground Brennan barked orders over the vox to the contents of the rapid insertion comets. Seconds after they punched into the surface the hatches sprung open on miniature charges and out emerged Dreadnought Heltaris and a squad of tactical marines. With all guns blazing the first squad of warriors went down, ably assisted by the multi melta snap firing while on the advance. Covering fire from the predator strafed towards the ghost ark which exploded. As the crew yelled their celebration over the vox Brennen reprimanded them for their lax battlefield discipline, reminding them that if they were to win this war they would need their full concentration. As much of a great opening salvo they'd fired at the crons was, the robots or whatever they really were returned fire and the tactical squad took the brunt of the strange weaponry.
While the Ultramarines were duking it out with support from a team of Broadsides, o'Ralai and his crisis team were circling around the nearby buildings, picking up as much intel as they could about the new enemy but also of their new found battle brothers fighting style. Buoyed by the brave hand to hand display between Heltaris and the overlord 1001101 he strode into the thick of the fray, shield at the ready. The crisis team jet packed back into cover after delivering their master into the assault to lay down covering fire for their blue battle brothers. The fighting between 1001101, Heltaris and o'Ralai was hard, many others joined and many died, the rate of attrition was huge with both sides taking losses. Lychguard and even what looked like a shard of the necron c'tan deity applied their weight and eventually won out with Heltaris' illustrious lifetime coming to an end and the Tau commander having to eject from his advanced XV-9 battlesuit at the very last minute to avoid destruction. Brennan, fuelled by his desire to avenge his oldest friend's death plunged headlong into the star god fragment, thunder hammer swinging and storm shield raised. In his anger all thoughts of the codex left Brennan's mind and this rage was unfortunately his downfall. While he focussed on fighting the c'tan and avoiding his gaze of death, 1001101 swung silently behind and his almighty warscythe sliced through the mark III battle plate with surprising ease.
From that point on with most of the allied command out of the picture, any hopes of halting the rise of the necrons and recovering the relic were failing fast. Squads of fire warriors, astartes and crisis suits did their utmost to stem the tide of Spiders, Wraiths, Stalkers and Destroyers but were all overpowered by the strange and alien technology. The immortals who had spent much of the battle observing and sniping from a height scrambled, as much as robots can scramble, towards the relic objective and the remaining Ultramarines located their fallen commander, voxed in an emergency thunderhawk for immediate extraction and medical attention from their apothecary while the Tau regrouped, laying low waiting for the manta to swoop out of lower orbit.
Little was said between the two circumstantial allies in the aftermath of the battle but many communicae have since passed between the recuperating Brennan and o'Ralai as they plot a return to Caerphillax VI to exact their revenge on the living metal overlord.
So there you have it, my first report written using the amazing articles and advice of a gentleman named Charging Carnifex. I apologise to those who wanted more of a commentary of how I felt 6th played (bloody awesome actually) but that might be coming along in a follow up post. So let me know what you think of the report, and perhaps more importantly please have a look at Charging Carnifex's blog, it's at and he is also on twitter where he tweets as @chargincarnifex. Although this is far from perfect and I've probably missed more of his advice than I've used, it was a huge amount of fun and will hopefully develop this style further in my next report, stay tuned!
Enjoyed reading that. Good work. Had my first game of the new 40K this afternoon (which you will have seen unfold live on Twitter!). Great fun.