Wednesday 19 September 2012

Warllama is 1!

So my humble blog has reached the huge milestone of 365 days! Sometimes it feels like I've been doing this for ages, but at the same time the past year has flown by. I thought I'd take the time to have a look back at everything I'd written about and what has been achieved.

It all started with this unassuming post outlining what I was up to at the time, and my wishful thinking for a new Tau codex. Those that have been paying attention will have realised I failed to complete my Ultramarines and the Tau codex still hasn't arrived!

Since then I put out just shy of 100 posts, most detailing my complete helplessness to stick with any one thing for longer than a few weeks! I managed to start 3 new armies and still have plenty of plastic that has been patiently waiting for some love for ages. You can see the full extent of my madness here.

Also I tried to broaden the horizons of my little patch of cyberspace with such blogs as the Sunday Sound System, an animal Crossing diary and Youtube Tuesdays. I loved putting each of these together but in the end decided that I didn't want to dilute the hobby content.

The main theme of my posts seems to revolve around reviews of GW products, whether it's black library novels or the popular White Dwarf reviews. I really enjoy putting these together and although I attach scores to each issues, some of which seem quite harsh (thanks Drake!) I hope that my enthusiasm hasn't come across as moaning!

Looking at what seems to pull in the most attention there is a definite pattern. People love rumours and rules! The recent issues of White Dwarf with fliers or the daemons have gone through the roof and far surpass any hobby progress updates I make and people really seem to want to know how to scratch build their own thunderhawk gunship!

A huge coincidence is that I've had 90 comments on my 90 posts, which have been fantastic. Lots of support from my friends such as Drake, Jamie and Ian whose blogs are always inspirational and should be followed by all.

So on to the crux of this post. I need you! That's right folks, I'd love to increase the people who follow my blog. Yes it's selfish and a little vain but I get excited every time someone new discovers my posts and follows me. At the moment I have 31 followers, and I'm thankful for each and every one of you. What I'm proposing is a bit of a giveaway if I can hit 100! I don't know if that feels a bit like bribery or if it's a cool thing to do. The plan is that I would pick one person out of the 100 at random and they would receive a painted special character of their choice in the post! There'd probably need to be a limit such as a 10-15 quid model but it's better than a kick in the teeth! Please let me know what you think about this and if you think it's a cool idea start following and spreading the word please.

Looking forward to the year ahead I can't wait for games day in a couple of days, starting a pre-heresy legion, seeing what the new white dwarf is like, going to salute, and hopefully meeting and chatting with more awesome warmongers!

Cheers for reading and I'll catch you soon, Tim.


  1. Glad to be on board! My first year isn't til December, so I'll be celebrating soon too. Thats an insane list of unpainted stuff man, get on it=D Hopefully meet you at Gamesday man, and congratulations on the 1st birthday.

  2. Well done mate! I'm with vandal though, start getting that list of unpainted stuff painted. Looking forward to see what you do with the blog over the next year!

  3. Well done. Thanks for giving us a great blog to read. It's been almost eight months for me now and I've not achieved half of what you have with WarLlama. :) I'm hoping we don't have to wait another year to get an explanation of the name by the way.

    Happy Birthday!!!

  4. Thanks all! @Ian and @vandal, Yep, I'm trying to resist getting more than I paint at the moment so tomorrow is going to be a struggle to resist the temptation!

    @Drake, Well it's a funny story, so pour a drink and pull up a chair. Years ago in school, during a maths class me and my friends used to draw pictures using the squared paper. One of them looked like a llama, and because it was angular it was digital. I was big into jamiroquai at the time so digital became dijital. Dijital llama was and still is my DJ name however i wanted something more hobby related for the blog so then war replaced dijital and there you go!
